


1.        主持国家自然科学基金面上项目。土壤养分富集和下行效应对黄河三角洲滨海湿地芦苇植被的联合调控机制;编号:31971504;时间:2020.01-2023.12

2.        主持国家自然科学基金面上项目。黄河三角洲滨海湿地芦苇基因型多样性对生态系统多功能性的作用;编号:31670533;时间:2017.01-2020.12

3.        主持中国科学院青年创新促进会会员项目。编号: 2018247; 时间: 2018.01-2021.12

4.        主持科技部国家科技基础资源调查专项专题。科技部国家基础资源调查专项中国沼泽植物种质资源调查专题山东江苏滨海沼泽植物种质资源调查;编号:2019FY100604-03;时间:2020.01-2024.12

5.        主持国家自然科学基金青年项目。黄河三角洲滨海湿地植物群落物种竞争与促进作用对盐度梯度的响应规律;编号:31100313;时间:2012.01-2014.12

6.        主持山东省优秀中青年科学家科研奖励基金项目。富营养化对湿地互花米草入侵的影响——应用于生态安全管理;编号:BS2013HZ012;时间:2013.10-2015.10

7.        参与中科院战略性先导科技专项碳专项子课题。中国近海海岸带碳排放研究;编号:XDA05030404;时间:2011.01-2015.12


1.        Zhang L.W.*, Lan S.Q., Angelini C., Yi H.P., Zhao L.J., Chen L.& Han G.X.* 2021. Interactive effects of crab herbivory and spring drought on a Phragmites australis-dominated salt marsh in the Yellow River Delta. Science of the Total Environment, 766: 144254.

2.        Zhang L.W.* & Han G.X.* 2021. The effect of seed addition and litter removal on plant compositions in a coastal marsh of the Chinese Yellow River Delta. Journal of Coastal Conservation, 25:5.

3.        Zhang L.W.*, Chen L., Lu F., Liu Z.T., Lan S.Q.& Han G.X.* 2020. Differentially expressed genes related to oxidoreductase activity and glutathione metabolism underlying the adaptation of Phragmites australis from the salt marsh in the Yellow River Delta, China. PeerJ. 8: e10024.

4.        Zhang L.W., Mi X.C.*, Harrison R.D., Yang B., Man X.X., Ren H.B. & Ma K.P. 2020.  Resource heterogeneity, not resource quantity, plays an important role in determining tree species diversity in two species-rich forests. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 8:224. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2020.00224.

5.        Zhang L.H., Shao H.B.*, Wang B.C., Zhang L.W.* & Qin X.C. 2019. Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus on the production of carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide in salt-affected soils under different vegetation communities, Atmospheric Environment, 204: 78-88.

6.        Zhang L.W.* & Wang B.C. 2019. The influence of nutrient addition on the invasion of Spartina alterniflora towards non-tidal marsh in the Chinese Yellow River Delta. Journal of Coastal Conservation, 23: 623-631.

7.         Zhang L.W.*, Wang B.C. & Qi L.B. 2017. Phylogenetic relatedness, ecological strategy and stress determine interspecific interactions in a salt marsh community. Aquatic Sciences, 79 (3) : 587-595.

8.        Zhang L.W.*, Mi X.C. & Shao H.B. 2016. Phylogenetic relatedness influences plant interspecific interactions across stress levels in coastal ecosystems: a meta-analysis. Estuaries and Coasts, 39:1669-1678.

9.        Zhang L.W.* & Wang B.C. 2016. Intraspecific interactions shift from competitive to facilitative across a low to high disturbance gradient in a salt marsh. Plant Ecology, 217: 959-967.

10.     Zhang L.W. & Shao H.B.* 2013. Direct plant-plant facilitation in coastal wetlands: a review. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 119: 1-6.

11.    Zhang L.W. & Shao H.B.* 2013. Heavy metal pollution in sediments from aquatic ecosystems in China. Clean-Water, Air, Soil, 41 (9): 878-882.

12.    Zhang L.W., Mi X.C., Shao H.B. & Ma K.P.* 2011. Strong plant-soil associations in a heterogeneous subtropical broad-leaved forest. Plant and Soil, 347: 211-220.

13.    Zhang L.W.#, Nurvianto S.# & Harrison R.D.* 2010. Factors affecting the distribution and abundance of Asplenium nidus L. in a tropical lowland rainforest. Biotropica, 42(4): 464-469.

14.    张俪文, 韩广轩*. 2018. 植物遗传多样性与生态系统功能关系的研究进展. 植物生态学报, 42 (10): 977–989.

15.    陈琳, 张俪文*, 刘子亭, 路峰, 冯光海, 颜坤, 韩广轩. 2020. 黄河三角洲河滩与潮滩芦苇对盐胁迫的生理生态响应, 生态学报, 40 (6): 2090-2098.

16.    兰思群, 张俪文*, 衣华鹏, 徐长林, 路峰, 冯光海, 韩广轩. 2020. 黄河三角洲高潮滩芦苇植被区天津厚蟹的食性食源, 应用生态学报, 31 (1): 319-325.

17.    陈琳, 张俪文*, 刘子亭*, 路峰, 颜坤, 韩广轩. 2020. S2-Na+胁迫下黄河三角洲高潮滩芦苇光合作用和抗氧化酶活性的响应. 生态科学, 39(2):175-181.

18.    张俪文, 王光美, 韩广轩*. 2020. 土壤养分和下行效应对滨海湿地植被的联合调控机制研究进展, 海岸科学. 7(1): 16-22.

19.    赵连军, 张俪文*, 衣华鹏, 兰思群, 陈琳, 路峰, 韩广轩. 2021. 氮添加对黄河三角洲高潮滩芦苇生长和土壤理化性质的短期效应. 生态科学, 40(2): 18–25.

20.    张俪文, 王安东, 赵亚杰, 宋建彬, 韩广轩*. 2018. 天津厚蟹植食对黄河三角洲高潮滩芦苇幼苗生长的影响. 生态学杂志, 37 (4): 1065-1070.

21.    张俪文, 赵亚杰, 王安东, 冯光海, 宋建彬, 谢宝华, 韩广轩*, 吕卷章, 朱书玉. 2018. 黄河三角洲互花米草的遗传变异和扩散分析. 湿地科学. 16 : 1-8.

22.    张俪文, 王安东, 赵亚杰, 陈琳, 宋建彬, 杨长志, 韩广轩*. 2018. 黄河三角洲滨海湿地芦苇遗传变异及其与盐度的关系. 生态学杂志, 37(8): 2362-2368.







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